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Expressions from Salvador

Abrir o chambre: run away

Armar: se cavalheiro: take courage

Azuretado: confused

Babaquara: senile

Barril: difficult, complicated

Barril dobrado: really difficult, really complicated

Cacareco: old furniture

Cafuringa: tiny thing

Carpina: carpenter

Chué: gross, bum

Corró: small person

Desassuntado: shameless

Esbregue, pito, sabão or sabonete: rebuke, reprimand

Espandongado: tattered

Estar no trinque: someone who's well dressed

Lodaça: advantage or lie

Mainha: diminutive for mother

Nêga / Nêgo: girl / boy

Oxe/Oxente: expression of inquiry


Painho: diminutive for father

Piva: marginalized child who lives on the street

Saitica: hussy lady

Tocar o Frederico: leave, go away

Trempe: bad people

Trimamoca: something difficult

Vexado: hurried

Zoró: pissed off

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